Hieroglyphic designer furniture created in South Korea

Hieroglyphic designer furniture created in South Korea

18 December 2019, 18:00
A source: © fastory.ru
South Korean designer Chulan Kwak has released an original collection of designer furniture. He was inspired by the Japanese style of writing to create such unusual interior items.

The designer chairs and tables in their lines resemble oriental hieroglyphs, reports Fastory.

For even greater compliance with the plan, the author painted natural wood and metal structural elements in black, similar to ink for writing.

First, he creates the form using 3D software, and then expands it to extract an accurate drawing. He uses this method to precisely cut thin and flexible plywood using a CNC machine and to properly glue the edges of each part in order.

The designer believes that everything that exists in the world is born and recreated thanks to design, he specialized in furniture design (wooden furniture) at Hongik University, studied at the Eindhoven Design Academy in Holland, returned to Korea and teaches as a professor at Sangmyung University.

Recall that in Tallinn there was an exhibition dedicated to architectural innovation. It showed sculptures that could combine the past and future of woodworking.

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