An artist from India cuts out incredibly detailed figures of animals and birds from paper

An artist from India cuts out incredibly detailed figures of animals and birds from paper

19 December 2019, 15:29
A source: ©
The Indian artist from Ahmedabad, Parf Korfekar, began a new craft when he experimented with graffiti stencils.

“This art made me feel more connected with my work. I felt life in them. At first I did it only as a hobby, but the inspiration from my close friends made me consider it a profession,” says Parf.

He finds inspiration for his work in the everyday aspects of life, where problems motivated him to bring his art to a new level.

Earlier it was reported about another hobby - growing bonsai trees. They symbolize patience and devotion, relieve stress and help cleanse the air. It’s also a great way to have a good time.

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