They remembered the Soviet New Year cartoons that children and adults watch in one breath (VIDEO)

They remembered the Soviet New Year cartoons that children and adults watch in one breath (VIDEO)

27 December 2019, 18:05
A source: ©
Soviet New Year cartoons are associated with the New Year as well as tangerines, and chimes, and Santa Claus, and the tree. They are considered the most kind and instructive. They give a holiday atmosphere.

Many New Year cartoons of the 1950-1980s, even today, have not lost their relevance. They are watched with great interest by modern children.

We suggest returning for a short time to childhood, when parents were young, and our favorite cartoons were shown from blue screens.

[video = "xIydib54W3A"]
Twelve Months (1956)

[video = "UgP-fKQrud4"]
The Night Before Christmas (1951)

[video = "ayoUMkqDo7M"]
Mittens (1967)

[video = "ANzM_jvsL1k"]
Snowman-mailer (1955)

[video = "xKozhQNYCLI"]
The Nutcracker (1973)

[video = "BtfZL16BNOk"]
The Snow Queen (1957)

[video = "PBQkOmW6BX4"]
New Year's Tale (1972)

[video = "V6HdOLSoRv4"]
Moroz Ivanovich (1981)

[video = "OHPXEungvUg"]
Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf (1978)
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