The British photographs the doors that look like from postcards (Photo)

The British photographs the doors that look like from postcards (Photo)

8 January 2020, 16:37
A source: ©
UK resident Bella Foxwell takes photos of front doors. She takes them all over London. In her project, entitled “The Doors of London,” the doors look like images from postcards.

The doors in the photographs of Bella are very reminiscent of fabulous, in some places fake scenery. The girl admires people who paint them in bright colors and attach unusual hammers to the canvas. She considers such decoration elements more than extravagant, reports Make-Self.

According to the photographer, the doors, which became the subject of her attention, represent new opportunities for buildings. They are their faces. They have something special that makes these facade decoration items unlike the others.

Over time, Bella found out exactly which doors are more attractive to people. She believes that it is light doors with floral decorations that cause interest among modern residents of London.

A girl, if she does not see anything interesting in the subject of photography, simply skips it. Such a door is boring not only for Bella Foxwell, but also for fans of her work.

Recently, OXO reported that the well-known artist on Instagram under the nickname @ by.marie.arts artist draws pictures on coins. She creates miniature images using oil and brushes as thin as human hair.

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