Tea lovers are less likely to suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels — scientists

Tea lovers are less likely to suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels — scientists

10 January 2020, 13:21
A source: © nplus1.ru
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis, stroke and heart failure, as well as many others, threaten many times less to those people who regularly drink tea. This also applies to average life expectancy, which is increasing.

This pattern was revealed in relation to men rather than women and green tea, rather than black tea. And you need to drink it not only regularly, but also for a long time, at least eight years. About this writes N + 1 with reference to the publication of Chinese scientists in the journal European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

The study was conducted by experts from the Beijing United Medical College under the supervision of Dongfeng Gu. They wanted to understand how drinking tea affects human health.

A sample was taken of 100,902 Chinese people aged 16-74 years who had not previously suffered from heart disease or cancer, and for several years (an average of about seven) monitored their health.

Respondents were divided into two groups: those who rarely or never drink tea (up to three cups per week), and tea lovers (three or more cups per week). The second was only 31.6%, more often they were smoking men who drank alcohol. Among them, almost half were green tea followers, 8% drank black tea, and 43% flavored teas.

Scientists took into account not only the frequency of tea consumption, but also gender, age, region of residence, place of life (city or village), educational level, family history of diseases, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, type of food, body mass index and cardio vascular system.

It turned out that the risk of death among tea lovers was lower by 15%, and their cardiovascular diseases on average developed later: for example, atherosclerosis - by 1.41 years.

Previously, biologists from the University of Birmingham studied the reaction to water pollution a> water fleas. They analyzed their condition before and after eutrophication.
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