Participation in marathons rejuvenates arteries for four years — scientists

Participation in marathons rejuvenates arteries for four years — scientists

15 January 2020, 14:13
A source: ©
A marathon, participation and preparation for it, can “rejuvenate” human arteries for four years. This conclusion was reached by scientists who conducted a study of future marathon runners.

Preparation and participation in marathon races not only positively affects the general state of human health, but also can rejuvenate arteries, reports BBC statement by specialists from the Barts Institute and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

The study involved people who had just begun preparations for long-distance races. In particular, we are talking about the London marathon. For six months, their arteries partially restored their elasticity. This indicator, in turn, reduces the risk of developing strokes.

It is noted that the best results were recorded in people who were least prepared for the competition.

The other day, scientists from the University of Zurich came up with a innovative device, which is able to support the vital functions of the liver and other large organs for one week.
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