In Europe, the ban on the use of face recognition in public places for five years

In Europe, the ban on the use of face recognition in public places for five years

21 January 2020, 17:14
A source: ©
The European Union has prepared a bill that prohibits the use of face recognition in public places. They plan to introduce a ban on its use for the next five years.

European authorities during this term will be able to “find and develop the right methodology for assessing the impact of this technology and possible risk management measures”, reports Reuters.

MPs want to oblige developers of artificial intelligence related to digital vision to report to the authorities on the use of these technologies.

The bill will be presented in February 2020. Members of the European Commission note that it is aimed at preventing violations of citizens' rights to privacy.

Only research companies, as well as organizations working in the field of security can avoid the ban.

Recall that Amazon is working on the creation of special technologies, which will allow you to pay in stores with your palm. This method of payment will be an alternative to using cash and payment cards.
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