Stylists told how to create a bedroom in the Italian style

Stylists told how to create a bedroom in the Italian style

29 January 2020, 12:02
A source: ©
The Italian-style bedroom is a place of relaxation where you can feel for a short while a fresh, seaside breeze and the Mediterranean sun. It is enough to use the advice of designers to turn this part of the apartment into a beach oasis.

Method number 1. Add decorative details in the Italian style.
Italian interiors often use Venetian stucco walls. This durable material is made from calcined limestone and water. It creates a matte, slightly unpolished and shaded surface that is found in homes from hot countries.

Method number 2. Pay attention to the plants.
Creating a bedroom in the Italian style, you can use the plants characteristic of this country. For example, an orange or lemon tree. They can be planted in a terracotta pot decorated with a wicker basket. Such trees will look best near the brightest windows.

Method number 3. Choose natural textures for flooring.
The most common floor in Italian coastal interiors is marble or tile. And to create warmth in the sleeping area, it is worth covering it with a small rug. Natural jute is best. Its muted color resembles a warm sandy coastline.

Method number 4. Use shells and dune grass as accessories.
Natural landscapes, or rather their interpretation in the bedroom, are good because of the variety: rocky cliffs, white sand beaches, wooded mountains, rocky deserts, grassy meadows. Based on them, you can draw inspiration endlessly. For example, shells look great as bowls for hairpins and rings, and cirrus grass and dune flowers create an atmosphere of the coastline.

Method number 5. Keep cabinet doors with things open.
Linen shirts, lace cover, a good pair of leather sandals — all this can be seen on the resting beaches of Sardinia. They can be hung in the closet, complemented by white hoodies shirts or dresses. Carefree interior will add its open doors.

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