Facebook has developed new features to protect privacy

Facebook has developed new features to protect privacy

29 January 2020, 13:34
A source: © about.fb.com
Facebook launches new features to protect privacy. This will allow users to check their privacy settings and make changes.

In the near future, the social network will begin to show users notifications that will be sent to the “Privacy Checkup” tab. In it, users can check all their privacy settings and make the necessary changes. This was reported in the blog of the company.

In addition, social networks launches the tab “Your actions outside Facebook” (Off-Facebook Activity), which will allow people to find out what services and places the users personal information is shared with the company.

Facebook will also send users notifications that their profile uses third-party services to log in, and that they can use personal data of people.

Earlier it was written that contact lenses will now be able to perform functions a computer. So far, these are only prototypes, but they are already working.
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