Hybrid Air Vehicles equipped with a hybrid electric motor

Hybrid Air Vehicles equipped with a hybrid electric motor

4 February 2020, 12:48
A source: © hybridairvehicles.com
Airlander 10, a hybrid airship from British company Hybrid Air Vehicles, will be equipped with a hybrid-electric engine. So the British designers decided to completely abandon the electric power plant for the device.

The power plant of the aircraft is represented by four engines: two electric and two diesel. To conduct an environmentally friendly flight, airship operators can use only two front engines that run on electric fuel or all engines for a faster flight, according to the developer's website.

The creation of the 92-meter aircraft company Hybrid Air Vehicles began in the mid-2000s. According to their plans, the ship should be in the air for up to five days with a carrying capacity of 10 tons.

The first flight of this airship took place in 2012. Since then, designers have been engaged in high-quality refinement of the device and testing of its systems.

The power of the Airlander 10 engines will be at least 500 kW for each. The airship has gas volumes filled with helium, which create up to 40% of lift when taking off and maintaining the device in the air. In this case, it belongs to the class of aircraft heavier than air.

Pure-electric mode can provide an airship with a speed of 93 km/h and a maximum flight range of 350 km. In hybrid mode, the range will double, and the speed — up to 130 km/h.

Recently, an inventor from Canada created a four-meter exoskeleton which has become the largest in the world. For this invention entered into the Guinness Book of Records.
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