By the end of the year, the capital plans to acquire 70 eco-buses — measures in Kiev

By the end of the year, the capital plans to acquire 70 eco-buses — measures in Kiev

6 February 2020, 13:12
A source: ©
Kiev authorities announced their intention to acquire around 70 eco-buses by the end of 2020. The main goal of the innovation will be to improve the environmental situation in the city.

Oversaturation of the city with transport is considered the main problem of air pollution. Therefore, along with changes in traffic in the capital, it was decided to purchase environmentally friendly buses, a statement by the measure of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, sends the official portal of the capital.

It is expected that the gradual replacement of vehicles will improve the environmental situation. The situation is complicated by transit transport. According to experts, it makes up 40% of the total. About 1.1-1.2 million cars come daily from the Kiev region.

The British began to take the path of environmental friendliness. Airlander 10, Hybrid Airship of Hybrid Air Vehicles, equipped with a hybrid electric motor. So the British designers decided to completely abandon the electric power plant for the device.
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