Astronomers have found a giant dead galaxy

Astronomers have found a giant dead galaxy

6 February 2020, 14:10
A source: ©
The galaxy, which was discovered by an international team of scientists, existed about 12 billion years ago. At that time, the age of the universe was only 1.8 billion years.

The detected galaxy was designated as XMM-2599. It was characterized by a high rate of star formation. But over time, this process has stopped. Scientists do not yet know what is the reason for this stop. This was reported in a press release on

Scientists conducted research using the MOSFIRE spectrograph (Multi-Object Spectrograph for Infrared Exploration), located at the Keck Observatory (Hawaii). They believe that the death of the galaxy is associated with the cessation of obtaining the substance necessary for the formation of stars.

Astronomers do not know what could have happened if XMM-2599 continued. Perhaps she would attract the closest active galaxies.

Recently it was reported that researchers from the National University of Distance Education in Spain in France found the remains of an ancient turtle. Paleontologists believe that she managed to survive the massive extinction of animals that occurred 60 million years ago.
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