328 days in space: American astronaut set a world record

328 days in space: American astronaut set a world record

6 February 2020, 15:08
A source: © bbc.com
American astronaut Christina Koch set a world record. After 328 days on the International Space Station, she landed in Kazakhstan.

Koch set a new world record for the duration of a continuous flight in outer space. Typically, such missions last no more than six months, but in April NASA announced that the flight, in which Kristina Koch takes part, will last until February 2020, informs of the BBC.

A 40-year-old female engineer spent 328 days on the International Space Station. The previous record belongs to Peggy Witson. She spent 289 days on the ISS.

Together with Koch, Russian astronaut Alexander Skvortsov and astronaut of the European Space Agency Luca Parmitano landed.

Earlier it was reported that the British government intends to lift the ban on the sale of new diesel and gasoline vehicles from 2040 to 2035. The authorities came to this decision after a speech by experts on the environmental situation in the country.
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