In England, found a 1200-year-old figure from a board game

In England, found a 1200-year-old figure from a board game

11 February 2020, 11:34
A source: ©
The figure, vaguely reminiscent of the “king” of chess, was discovered off the coast of northeastern England. According to archaeologists, her age is about 1200 years.

The find was made on the coast in Lindisfarne - a small island of great religious and cultural significance in the Northumberland region. It was made by scientists from Durham University in the UK and crowdfunding archaeological organization DigVentures, informs Science Alert.

Externally, the size of the find does not exceed a small candy. It is made of white and blue glass. And all its value, according to archaeologists, at her age. Presumably, it was made in the VIII or IX century — the times when the Vikings began to raid the territory of modern Britain.

According to archaeologist Lisa Westcott Wilkins, managing director of DigVentures, this figure may be from a game played by the elite of Northern Britain even before the Vikings set foot on this land.

Earlier it was reported that researchers from the National University of Distance Education in Spain found the remains of a turtle, which survived the mass extinction of animals.
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