Living with an optimist helps you stay healthy all your life — study

Living with an optimist helps you stay healthy all your life — study

12 February 2020, 13:05
A source: ©
A study by American scientists showed that living together with an optimistic partner can prolong life and save many diseases. In particular, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other cognitive impairment is reduced.

A method of maintaining mental health was discovered by scientists at the University of Michigan (USA). This was reported in a press release on MedicalXpress.

Studies were conducted with 4,500 pairs. Scientists have found a connection between an optimistic marriage and a low risk of poor mental health. An optimistic partner helps to monitor health, eat right and be physically active.

According to American researchers, an optimistic attitude towards life can be partially inherited. But, despite this, this can be learned in the process of life.

Recently, geneticists said that cancer can cause gene mutations. Moreover, the development of certain types of cancer can occur decades before a diagnosis is made, sometimes even in childhood.
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