Weld alive: more than 500 thousand mussels are doomed to death

Weld alive: more than 500 thousand mussels are doomed to death

18 February 2020, 12:00
A source: © facebook.com
Mussels were doomed to slow death due to an unprecedented increase in the temperature of ocean waters washing New Zealand.

New Zealander Brandon Ferguson posted on Facebook a video shot on the beach of one of the northern islands of New Zealand. In the video, you can see a huge number of dead mussels, which were washed ashore.

“I live here, so collecting mussels is a common thing for me. We waited for the tide to come down to collect another crop, but instead we found a real cemetery,” Ferguson shares his feelings.

According to Brandon, the smell on the shore was just terrible, and his head was spinning from the stench of rotting seafood. In total, he counted over 500,000 shells covered with green bloom. According to him, last year he already witnessed how the waves washed ashore many dead marine inhabitants, mainly various mollusks. According to Ferguson, the increase in the temperature of sea water is primarily to blame.

The oceanologists who study the region agree with this. According to them, the New Zealand ocean is a real “sponge for the effects of global climate change.” Scientists believe that the warmer the water becomes, the less it is able to absorb greenhouse gases. Recall that in December last year, due to abnormal (almost 10 degrees Celsius) warming, a reef biome and a number of other coastal ecosystems were under the threat of complete extinction.

About climate change also It was written earlier. Scientists from NASA analyzed satellite images and concluded that glaciers on average decreased by 5 km. for 50 years. The main reason for the change is global warming.
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