Smoky cities and gentle natural landscapes — voluminous art objects made of paper by an artist from Japan (Photo)

Smoky cities and gentle natural landscapes — voluminous art objects made of paper by an artist from Japan (Photo)

22 February 2020, 17:36
A source: ©
The hobby of Ayumi Shibata, a Japanese artist, is paper carving. The girl creates multilayer volumetric art objects from this material.

The main material used by the Japanese is plain white paper. But due to the unusual technique of execution, its work cannot be called quite ordinary. They seemed to be created using a 3D printer, according to the website Ayumi Shibata.

The result of the hard work of the Japanese woman are whole cities and natural landscapes created from paper. She collects them layer by layer, gradually forming volumetric installations. Special charm gives them backlight.

The artist says that she never uses a pencil to create a sketch of her future art object. So it prevents unwanted actions with paper — lines, scuffs.

OXO wrote about another master earlier. Wooden figurines creates Perry Lancaster from the UK. He grinds and lacquers the bars that are thrown away in tons by the factory.
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