Weak buttocks can cause back pain — study

Weak buttocks can cause back pain — study

11 March 2020, 16:56
A source: © popmech.ru
The study predicted that in the near future, 80% of the world's population will experience back pain. According to the journal of the American Medical Association, the most money was spent on the treatment of lower back pain (as well as neck pain) - 134.5 billion dollars in 2016 alone.

These pains began to appear even in young people, since most of them lead a sedentary lifestyle both at home and at work. As a result, we spend on chairs an average of 6.4 hours per day.

Researchers linked these two facts - a sedentary lifestyle and lower back pain - and concluded that the importance of buttock muscle training is underestimated. When the muscles responsible for stabilizing the hips, pelvis and spine are able to cope with daily stresses, a person ceases to experience discomfort in the lower back and hips, as well as in the knees and ankles.

There is an opinion that to eliminate back pain, you should strengthen the abs and back, but it turned out that this is not enough. If playing sports does not help, then special attention should be paid specifically to the muscles of the buttocks and hips.

All parts of the human body are interconnected. When we lift something off the floor, our gluteus muscles contract to bring the body upright. If they are not strong enough, then a significant part of the load falls on the back muscles. This hurts them.

To strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and hips, researchers recommend contacting professional trainers who will help you perform the exercises correctly - the effectiveness of the training depends on this, and therefore the result.
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