UN called the happiest countries in the world

UN called the happiest countries in the world

21 March 2020, 19:32
A source: © mk.ru
For the third year in a row, United Nations has identified Finland as the happiest country in the world. The division of the department for the search for solutions to sustainable development is engaged in this.

In this country, the commission appreciated a safe environment, a high level of social trust, and the integrity of the authorities.

The rating was based on six key indicators - a healthy lifestyle, its duration, social freedom, GDP per capita, social support, as well as perceptions of corruption and generosity.

Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, Austria and Luxembourg were also included in the list of the happiest countries on the World Happiness Report. The United States took only 18th place, and Great Britain - 13th.

Russia ranked 73rd in the ranking, losing to Tajikistan, Moldova and Serbia. Last year she was on the 68th line. At the same time, she was ahead of Armenia (116th), Georgia (117th), Ukraine (123rd).
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