Internet Archive provides free access to 1.4 million books that previously could only be rented

Internet Archive provides free access to 1.4 million books that previously could only be rented

30 March 2020, 10:37
A source: ©
Internet Archive, a service that provides access to websites, free music and online publications, has opened access to 1.4 million books. This will allow students, teachers and researchers to study them remotely.

The service has been around for almost 10 years. And before that, users could only read a limited number of books at a time. If the reader wanted to take the book, then he had to wait until another user reads it, notes Arstechnica.

Most students and teachers can already use the OverDrive and Hoopla services, which provide access to new products. As for archive files that exist only on paper, difficulties may arise here. Especially considering today's remote mode of study and work.

Public support for the library is provided by various institutions, private individuals and educational centers.

“Now we realized that our library system cannot be scaled to meet the needs of the world community. To change this situation, we needed to take a serious step,” the archive administration said.

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