Designers from HomeAdvisor showed how the interior of the kitchen has changed over the course of 500 years (Video)

Designers from HomeAdvisor showed how the interior of the kitchen has changed over the course of 500 years (Video)

11 April 2020, 19:00
A source: ©
Fashion is changing not only in clothes, but also in the design of the premises, and this is especially true for the kitchen. Once it was an integral part of the oven, now we have a stove, refrigerator and many other devices that simplify life.

HomeAdvisor designers showed how kitchen styles have gradually changed over the course of 5 centuries. The path of this project begins with England in 1520, then passes to America and so on until 2020. In the work, they were not based on their fantasies: in order for the result to be accurate, they consulted with historians.

A fireplace, a boiler made of an alloy of copper and tin, pans and pans made of wrought metal - that was what could be found in the kitchen of the 16th century. You can also notice the trough for kneading dough, and, of course, firewood.

Minimalism, built-in panels, design solutions - the kitchen is not just a place for cooking, but also for communication. In fashion, simplicity and style.

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