Thinner locks of hair: scientists from Australia introduced a new battery for smart watches

Thinner locks of hair: scientists from Australia introduced a new battery for smart watches

20 April 2020, 11:31
A source: ©
A team of researchers from Monash University in Australia has introduced an “ultra-light flexible solar cell” that can power a smartwatch for two years of continuous use.

According to Dr. Wenchao Huang, a senior fellow at the University of Materials and Engineering, this is an ultralight and flexible solar cell that is thinner than a lock of hair. It can be used on any device, but works best on smart watches.

During the experiments, the researchers noticed that the device discharges only 4.8% after 4700 hours of operation. It can power the device for 20 thousand hours with "minimal degradation." This means that after a new element is built into a smart watch, it will be able to work continuously for more than two years. The total service life will average 11.5 years.

“According to our calculations, this is one of the most promising sources of energy for small devices. We want to integrate them into medical devices that measure heart rate,” the researchers said.
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