Small kitchen: designers talked about 5 advantages of this room

Small kitchen: designers talked about 5 advantages of this room

21 April 2020, 19:40
A source: ©
A small kitchen is a symbol of minor waste. Of course, they will be, but much smaller than for a large kitchen. Although this is far from the only advantage of such a room.

Lower repair costs
When planning the future premises, I want to choose high-quality building materials. After all, repairs are not done for one day, so you need to pay for quality. Agree, it’s better to make repairs from expensive high-quality materials for a small space than for a large one from inexpensive and low-quality ones.

Less mileage while cooking
During cooking, the housewife is much easier to walk between the cabinets, which are located at a small distance from each other. It is convenient, after all, when all the necessary devices are at hand, and not scattered in different parts at a distance of several meters.

Economical storage locations
Small space is not always the lack of storage space. With proper planning and use of kitchen furniture, there will be no shortage of drawers and shelves. Often the limitation of space only contributes to its most efficient use.

Cleaning speed
A small kitchen is a real gift for people who are at work until evening. They do not have the opportunity to clean large rooms for a long time, and just a little space is just right. Here everything is less — less floor, cabinets, apron surfaces and facades.

Mobile in prioritization
If you have to share the kitchen with another room, then cutting off the utilitarian place for cooking and eating will only improve the rest of the space. Additional areas will only become more comfortable and welcoming.

Earlier, OXO wrote about the organization small kitchens that are not have pantries or additional storage places. Interior designers believe that adhering to the chosen method of organizing order, you can organize a rational space.
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