Microwaves Can Recycle Batteries Quickly — Research

Microwaves Can Recycle Batteries Quickly — Research

22 April 2020, 11:40
A source: © pubs.acs.org
A study by scientists from Purdue University has allowed the development of a new method for processing batteries using microwaves. It will allow the storage and conversion of renewable energy with less damage to the environment.

The essence of the technology called Purdue is the recycling of spent polyethylene terephthalate, one of the most easily recycled polymers that is part of lithium-ion batteries. The process occurs by exposure to microwave radiation. A study by scientists published in the journal Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

Researchers claim that the process of converting spent polyethylene terephthalate into a polymer suitable for reuse takes only 120 s. The new method will reduce the cost of production of new batteries and increase the processing speed of their components.

“We use the ultrafast microwave irradiation process to convert PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, into disodium terephthalate flakes, and use it as a material for the battery anode. With our research, we help to cope with the growing demand for renewable energy storage, which is associated with public attention and increased awareness of climate change and energy restrictions,” explains Vilas Paul, lead author of the study.

Previously, another development was shared by scientists. Researchers at Osaka University have introduced biodegradable plastic made from plants.
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