Apple Watch learned to save its owner from the water

Apple Watch learned to save its owner from the water

22 April 2020, 14:52
A source: ©
Apple has filed a patent for a technology that allows smart watches to save a drowning owner from death.

The Apple Watch was always waterproof and monitored health indicators when their owners were swimming or swimming in the tub with rubber ducks. Now, smart watches have mastered the life-saving set of actions that the owner may urgently need in case of a life threat in open water.

After the device determines that the person is in the aquatic environment, special sensors measure the salinity of the water. The salvation algorithm is triggered if the percentage of salt matches its level in wild waters. According to the list of tasks for the day, the device will check whether bathing was part of the person’s plans and, if not, will urgently determine his location. As soon as the “smart” watch is convinced that the owner is in the middle of a large reservoir, they will sound the alarm. The rescue services will receive a signal asking for help on behalf of the owner.

How the protection against false calls will be implemented is not yet reported. Most likely, the algorithm will repeat the actions performed when the Apple Watch crashes. When the device hits the surface with a crash, it checks to see if the fallen host is moving. If not, he has 30 seconds to wake up and cancel the alarm call.

Currently, Apple is patenting developed technology to save the drowning. However, it is not known whether the algorithm will appear in the sixth version of “smart” watches, because many technologies, being patented, do not reach users.
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