Caribbean coral reef began to degrade due to human activities in 1950 — biologists

Caribbean coral reef began to degrade due to human activities in 1950 — biologists

25 April 2020, 17:04
A source: ©
The Caribbean coral reef began to degrade due to the negative impact of humans back in 1950. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Arizona.

Reef study began in 1970. By that time, biologists recorded its discoloration and the death of many corals. Olenorogy coral was the hardest hit, the number of which has decreased by 20% to date, according to Science Advances.

Among the main causes of the degradation of the Caribbean coral reef, scientists call climate change, fishing and water pollution. Although it is certain to say exactly what led to discoloration, they cannot. Too late reef exploration began.

For the study, biologists used data on fossils found in the area, historical records and data from underwater studies. They concluded that the degradation process began in the mid-50s of the last century.

The other day in Antarctica for the first time found the remains of a frog. Their further study will allow better dating of changes in the climate of the continent.
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