The Englishwoman made a micro-mansion from an old barn (Photo)

The Englishwoman made a micro-mansion from an old barn (Photo)

25 April 2020, 19:50
A source: ©
Englishwoman Sonya Water at the age of 50 managed to get tired of men and the male spirit in her house. No one expected her to turn an empty barn into a mini-mansion of absolute luxury. And she so tastefully furnished her nest that she was breathtaking!

The husband and two adult sons, although relatives, do not understand anything at all in beauty, comfort and trinkets. Andrew, her husband, was not a completely insensitive blockhead, and went to meet his wife. And Sonya herself furnished it from the inside.

The entire repair cost $ 1,300, and she scored the interior for a penny at garage sales and in junk shops. Candelabra, curtains, antique clocks and even a fireplace went to her for nothing.

Sonya now spends time in her mansion with her friends over a cup of tea or a glass of wine. And no men!

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