Give the full name and phone number — the conditions under which in Switzerland it will be possible to visit a bar or restaurant

Give the full name and phone number — the conditions under which in Switzerland it will be possible to visit a bar or restaurant

7 May 2020, 18:40
A source: ©
In Switzerland, when visiting catering establishments, you will need to indicate contact details — name and phone number. This measure is introduced at the stage of a country's quarantine exit.

In Switzerland, from May 11, bars and restaurants begin to operate. But the government obliged them to keep a record of visitors in order to notify clients in the event of a new outbreak. If one of the visitors becomes ill, then all other clients should be notified by the administration of the institution, reports The local.

The management of some bars and restaurants will keep a record of visitors not in paper but in electronic format. So the data, in their opinion, will be saved better.

According to the head of the Gastrosuisse food association, Casimir Platzer, people are so bored with visiting catering places that they will not object to these requirements.

And in one of the regions of Italy, they presented a plan to give tourists the opportunity to relax on the seashore without fear of becoming infected by coronavirus. Designers have proposed creating plexiglass boxes and installing them on public beaches.
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