Walls, fences and roofs — locations with meaningful inscriptions of a street artist from Yekaterinburg (Photo)

Walls, fences and roofs — locations with meaningful inscriptions of a street artist from Yekaterinburg (Photo)

15 June 2020, 15:49
A source: © t-radya.com
The inscriptions filled with deep philosophical meaning are a hobby of street artist Timofey Rady from Yekaterinburg. With them he paints the walls of houses, factories, abandoned buildings. So a young guy is trying to make people think about life.

The creative work of the young artist is based on acutely social topics. He creates for the malice of the day. And, since Timofey is a philosopher by education, this could not but affect his work, according to his website.

According to the guy, his hobby is to humanize the faceless city streets, give them content and meaning. So the residents of modern megacities get the opportunity to reflect on serious things, turning their eyes to Timofey’s capacious graffiti.

The most favorite place to place the artist's inscriptions is the roofs of houses. After all, these places are ideal for viewing a large number of people. There they are best seen and the effect of resonance is higher.

Radia came to world fame after creating a series of portraits of soldiers at one of the abandoned hospitals in Yekaterinburg. He painted them not with paints, but with fire.

Recently, the OXO wrote about works Street art with a pronounced urban character that Londoners adorned the walls of their city in 1985-1986. These were graffiti serious and frivolous, decorative and political.

Photo © t-radya.com

Photo © t-radya.com

Photo © t-radya.com

Photo © t-radya.com

Photo © t-radya.com

Photo © t-radya.com
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