Scientists from the United States found out how to accurately determine the

Scientists from the United States found out how to accurately determine the

3 July 2020, 14:05
A source: ©
American scientists have developed a formula that allows you to accurately determine the age of the dog in terms of human years. This is the first scientific study on this topic.

The formula is based on the “epigenetic clock” method. Based on chemical modifications, it allows you to calculate the age of the cell, tissue and the whole organism. Results published in the journal Cell Systems.

As it turned out, young dogs age quickly enough. For example, a one-year-old dog can be around 30 years old by human standards. And at the age of four, the animal can resemble a 52-year-old person. After the dog reaches its 7-year milestone, its aging slows down.

The findings were based on a study of 105 Labrador dogs, so they are preliminary. Scientists admit that not all breeds age the same.

Recently, psychologists from the University of Arizona conducted an experimental study to determine whether they are ready dogs help their owner in a difficult situation, and what motivation is behind this help.
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