Bruises under the eyes, curvature of the spine and obesity: experts have shown what a remote employee will look like in 25 years

Bruises under the eyes, curvature of the spine and obesity: experts have shown what a remote employee will look like in 25 years

8 July 2020, 11:52
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A hybrid mode of operation - which combines office and remote employment - can affect people's health. The DirectlyApply job search platform has shown the consequences for "remote" employees if they do not change their daily habits.

Its creators invited a group of clinical psychologists and fitness experts to study how the "remote" affects a person physically and psychologically. Experts explained what changes will occur in this mode of operation in 25 years. The result is Susan - a model of a typical remote worker of the future, on which they analyze in detail all the negative consequences.

Thus, constant presence in front of the monitor causes "computer vision syndrome", in which the eyes become dry and inflamed, and vision - cloudy. In addition, red spots will begin to appear on the whites, and large bruises under the eyes.

Lack of physical activity and sitting in the wrong position will lead to curvature of the spine, back and neck pain, obesity and "tech neck" (the effect of constant browsing of mobile devices and tablets): the skin of the neck will sag, a second chin will appear. From constant work on the keyboard the hands are deformed. Lack of vitamin D will cause hair loss, pale skin, dullness and wrinkles.

Eventually, a person working remotely will be constantly under stress caused by the regime and lack of personal contact. This, in turn, will increase blood pressure and worsen health.

To preserve it, the authors of the study advise to follow a few rules. It is important to maintain a regular work schedule, exercise regularly and go outside from time to time to recover after a day at the computer.

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