Not a single DSLR: operators advise how to choose a camera

Not a single DSLR: operators advise how to choose a camera

18 August 2020, 19:32
A source: ©
Almost all modern phones are equipped with video and photo functions. But this does not detract from the merits of professional cameras and cameras. Experts stand their ground: professional staff will be made only by professional equipment. How to choose it, read on.

First you need to decide on the goals of shooting - personal or professional use. And already on this basis, choose device.

Amateur filming can be carried out with compact cameras and cameras. As a rule, they differ in affordable prices and understandable functionality. But even budget smartphones can “jump over” them in quality.

If you want more, you can use ultrazoom and mirrorless cameras. They will certainly be more expensive. Still, the pictures will look decent. For travel, it is better to use an ultrazoom - a compromise between size, convenience and quality of shooting.

In professional photography, you cannot do without DSLR and mirrorless cameras. A simple standard set will work for you. Later, when it's time to experiment, you can use different lenses.

When choosing such a technique, you should consider the size of the sensor, focal length, shooting capabilities, manufacturer and additional options.

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