Interior designers talked about a crib in the parent's bedroom

Interior designers talked about a crib in the parent's bedroom

19 August 2020, 18:43
A source: ©
The children's corner in the parent's bedroom is a place that requires close attention. It should be equipped as efficiently as possible. The designers told how to do it.

First you need to decide on the size of the crib and its appearance. It is desirable that the child's sleeping place in color and material fit into the interior of the parent's bedroom. It did not take up too much space, it was not overloaded with details in the form of hanging toys.

An important aspect is the hypoallergenicity of materials used for furniture and textiles. And this applies not only to baby cots and baby bedding. We are talking about everything that is in the same room with him.

Don't forget about the layout. The best place for a crib is a part of an empty wall with no windows or radiators. It is advisable that the child's sleeping place be supplemented with a changing table. In this case, all the baby's things will be in one place.

A chair or feeding chair should be placed near the bed. There, the child's mother can comfortably feed him, especially at night.

The main thing is to remember that furniture for a child should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Especially if she is in the parent's bedroom.
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