American developers have shown a supercar that can be used in space

American developers have shown a supercar that can be used in space

19 August 2020, 18:49
A source: ©
Hyperion presented its new development - a supercar of the same name and the XP-1 index. The car is equipped with hydrogen fuel cells, can accelerate up to 355 km / h and travel more than 1600 km on a single charge.

Carbon fiber and titanium are used for the structural elements. The suspension is made of ultra-lightweight aluminum. The moving parts of the car were equipped with solar panels. The company plans to use such innovative solutions in ATVs.

Instead of using traditional batteries, which would significantly weigh down the supercar's structure, they installed hydrogen tanks. They will help generate energy for two electric motors. This innovation has markedly reduced the vehicle's original weight.

Among the shortcomings of its development, the company named a small number of gas stations. Indeed, as of last year alone, there were 39 publicly available hydrogen stations in the United States. But Hyperion intends to increase this indicator several times: it announced plans to build its own network of gas stations.

The launch of serial production is scheduled for 2022. The estimated circulation is only 300 cars.
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