Embroidery disguise: a Swede hides old household appliances under colorful threads (Photo)

Embroidery disguise: a Swede hides old household appliances under colorful threads (Photo)

31 August 2020, 14:39
A source: © archidea.com.ua
Multicolored embroidery is a hobby of Ulla Stina-Vikander, a needlewoman from Sweden. She "wraps" old household items and electrical appliances with embroidery from multi-colored threads.

All of the items Will uses for her work are directly related to the household. Using old mixers, sewing machines and irons, the woman emphasizes that even they can be given a second life. Although sometimes she sheathes even traditionally male tools - hammers, wrenches and axes.

The Swede decorates each product with colorful details. She does this so that it can be seen which object is "hiding" under the embroidery.

It happens that Will buys some of the designs ready-made. She often visits flea markets and vintage shops. The craftswoman is attracted by the connection with unknown masters who made these embroideries.

According to the woman, many consider these works to be useless. Even the sellers themselves often talk about this. Ulla Stina-Vikander comes up with their use in the form of decorating old objects.

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua
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