Looks like a real one and costs 10 times cheaper than analogues - a new hand prosthesis (Video)

Looks like a real one and costs 10 times cheaper than analogues - a new hand prosthesis (Video)

31 August 2020, 15:11
A source: © hightech.fm
The robotic arm prosthesis was created by Unlimited Tomorrow. The main feature of the manipulator is the ability to adapt to a specific person.

TrueLimb is 3D printed. First, the user's hand is scanned, and then the prosthesis is prepared from the scan. The next step is to create on this principle wheelchairs.

As a rule, to adapt a robotic limb to a person, you need to work with a prosthetist. And this requires additional material costs, which can reach 80 thousand dollars. Development of Unlimited Tomorrow costs about 8 thousand dollars.

It is noted that prostheses are created taking into account the skin color, weight, constitution of its future owner. This level of personalization is ensured by dedicated software and intelligent design.

The functionality of the robotic arm includes multi-day battery operation, individual control, and the transmission of tactile sensations.

According to scientists, over 40 million people in the world need prostheses. But existing commercial options are expensive and limited in functionality.

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