The startup has developed glasses that will help fight procrastination (Video)

The startup has developed glasses that will help fight procrastination (Video)

3 September 2020, 9:24
A source: ©
Artificial intelligence-based glasses were developed by a startup from Canada. This smart device will help users fight procrastination.

Specs is a camera-equipped device. It recognizes everything it is aimed at - a laptop, smartphone, personal computer, book or another person. Points automatically determine what type of activity an object can be attributed to. Then they signal its feasibility from a work point of view.

All these glasses with AI are translated into a special application. The user can track various data: how much time was wasted, and how much was spent on work. The presence of the "focus" function in the device implies the ability to concentrate on a specific task.

Another device mode is warnings. When the user is distracted from the planned work, "smart" glasses signal this. They "return" him to work with the help of light and sound prompts.

Also, lenses for vision can be built into the device and used as ordinary glasses.

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