Scientists have developed electronic skin that responds to pain

Scientists have developed electronic skin that responds to pain

4 September 2020, 11:33
A source: ©
Electronic skin has become a new discovery for Australian scientists. She is capable of giving the same reaction to pain as human. They plan to use this in the manufacture of robots, prostheses and skin grafts.

The skin, created by researchers in Melbourne, is able to mimic the body's response to pain. Moreover, the speed of this process duplicates the speed with which signals from nerve endings reach the brain.

According to the project's leading expert, their development was a significant step in the development of technologies in the field of biomedicine and robotics. It was decided to start with the skin due to the fact that it is the largest organ of our body involved in the perception of the surrounding world.

In addition to the pain sensor, scientists have developed devices with stretchable electronics. They can react to changes in temperature and pressure. Their principle of action was based on the technology of transmitting impulses through nerve endings to the brain.

It is assumed that artificial skin will be, above all, the best option for non-invasive grafts.
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