Canadian artist uses honeycombs with live bees for her paintings

Canadian artist uses honeycombs with live bees for her paintings

5 September 2020, 12:33
A source: ©
Art objects with honeycombs are designed by Canadian artist Ava Rotch. She manages to harmoniously combine natural and synthetic materials in them.

Ava Rotch combines beadwork, multicolored thread embroidery, natural wood and honeycomb in her works. Moreover, the last element is rather unusual - it is not just honeycombs taken from the hives. These are combs with live bees that produce honey.

First, the artist creates a project for the future "painting". Then, according to the sketch on a previously prepared wooden base, he creates an embroidery, complementing it with beading. The final touch is the placement of the honeycomb with the bees.

As noted by Ava Rotch, in her work there is a share of the risk of being bitten by bees. But the Canadian, while working with these insects, uses all kinds of protective equipment. Including antihistamines.

At the exit, the artist receives unusual art objects with an exclusive technique of execution. Moreover, they are quite in demand among connoisseurs of contemporary art. This is confirmed by the number of personal exhibitions of Ava Rotch and the number of their visitors.

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