NASA conducts first test of a lunar launch vehicle

NASA conducts first test of a lunar launch vehicle

5 September 2020, 13:42
A source: ©
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted the first test of a launch vehicle for a lunar mission. Testing took place on September 2, 2020 at the T-97 Northrop Grumman proving ground in the US state of Utah.

The tests of the spacecraft made it possible to evaluate the characteristics of the engine, which was based on potentially new materials and processes. The booster rocket is structurally identical to the SLS rocket boosters and provides up to 75% thrust.

According to the developers, the test specimen will be the most powerful missile ever created by the department. It will allow astronauts to visit distant parts of the solar system and explore them.

NASA currently plans to land the first woman and the next man on the lunar surface by 2024. And the test booster is part of the system, which is complemented by a spacecraft, an airlock and a landing system. This complex is designed to study deep space.
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