Coconuts in India will now collect robots - constructors (Video)

Coconuts in India will now collect robots - constructors (Video)

7 September 2020, 9:50
A source: ©
A robot that can climb trees and harvest coconuts was invented by specialists from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapitama University. This is the sixth version of the device, and scientists hope that it will be the most successful.

A robot called Amaran is delivered to the workplace disassembled. Within 15 minutes he is harvested and he starts harvesting. Ripe nuts are cut with a circular saw and a special pincer.

Amaran is controlled by the operator remotely using a special joystick or an application in a smartphone. This is necessary to move the device around the trunk of the palm tree and cut the coconuts.

Amaran's trials were carried out on a coconut farm located near the university building. He successfully climbed trees over 15 meters high and with a trunk tilt of up to 30 degrees.

According to the researchers, humans work much faster than their development. But Amaram is able to harvest coconuts for much longer. Scientists believe that the duration of the work is the main advantage in this situation.

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