Reproducing a picture with light: scientists from the USA have developed a new technology

Reproducing a picture with light: scientists from the USA have developed a new technology

8 September 2020, 10:21
A source: ©
An innovative development that allows the reproduction of works of art using light was invented by American scientists. They managed to design the painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Jan Vermeer.

In their work, the researchers used special particles. With their help, they discovered a new way that helped them control the flux of light - to catch, emit and change it.

The available filter stops the passage of light from the primary process of separating objects. This reduces the amount and volume of glare. The filtered areas are projected as dark spots, but in some places the particles control the color component.

Technology made it possible to create a digital copy of Vermeer's masterpiece, only 1 mm long. It managed to convey not only the composition, but also partially the color component.

According to scientists, the new technology can also be used in the banking sector. In particular, it can be used for banknotes in order to quickly distinguish them from counterfeits if necessary.
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