Collect small objects and lift weights - new functions of humanoid robots

Collect small objects and lift weights - new functions of humanoid robots

10 September 2020, 10:23
A source: ©
Humanoid robots will now be able to lift heavy objects. And they will do it unprogrammed, and after analyzing the situation.

The joint efforts of a group of researchers from the United States and India have developed a method that allows robots to determine whether they will be able to lift a heavy object or not. According to the idea of ​​scientists, he must first determine the physical parameters, and then independently calculate the algorithm of actions - the strength of the load, the trajectory of movement, the coordination of his actions.

The method of scientists is based on human experience. After all, seeing an object, the brain recalls the previous experience of interacting with it. The person analyzes whether the object is feasible for him or not. And already on the basis of this makes a decision.

In the case of a humanoid robot, it all starts with building a trajectory table. It stores the permissible lifting movements that correspond to the physical parameters of the object. Further, this table is considered by the robot from the perspective of previous experience. If such movements and trajectory exist, the robot decides to lift the weight.
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