New gloves simulate touch even 1000 km away - scientists

New gloves simulate touch even 1000 km away - scientists

11 September 2020, 9:50
A source: ©
Australian scientists have created innovative gloves that can convey a sense of touch to an object. Their development is capable of "working" even at a distance of 1000 km.

Researchers use specific sensors for their device. One of them captures touches, the other transmits them at a distance. The technology for gloves is based on the stimulation of certain areas of the skin by force, vibration or movements.

According to scientists, the touch from the glove they created can be compared to real tactile sensations. That is why the development is called the tripartite skin stimulator. It allows you to feel objects quite realistically. In this case, the effect of full contact with the object is observed.

To sense an object at a distance, one person needs to wear a glove with a three-directional sensor and another with a force sensor. The first one feels the touches, the second one, after measuring the impact, broadcasts them at a distance.

At the moment, testing of the glove continues.
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