Chinese engineers intend to build the first floating spaceport

Chinese engineers intend to build the first floating spaceport

14 September 2020, 10:24
A source: ©
The China Corporation of Aerospace Science and Technology is developing a mobile spacecraft launch complex. The place of his deployment was the coast in the vicinity of Haiyan in the eastern province of Shandong.

Naval launch complex is a floating offshore platform that can change the place of its location. It will be equipped with all the necessary devices and equipment for the launch of light rockets and satellites, as well as their maintenance.

The decision to create a flooding spaceport came in connection with the need to reduce the risk for populated areas. After all, harmful emissions and excessive noise have a negative impact on their inhabitants.

Also, launching carrier rockets from ground-based spaceports often leads to the fact that spent stages fall to the surface of the Earth. This requires full-scale cleaning and safety operations.

The creation of a floating spaceport is carried out within the framework of the general program for the launch of objects related to the study of space.
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