US scientists have developed a device to help people get enough sleep

US scientists have developed a device to help people get enough sleep

15 September 2020, 10:02
A source: ©
A group of scientists from Massachusetts has developed a device that is capable of recording people's postures during sleep. It helps to understand in what position a person is fully resting.

The development of American researchers is a wall-mounted monitor. It captures radio signals from objects in the bedroom. The latter seem to "bounce" off objects.

The system focuses on impulses emanating from the chest, abdominal cavity, human limbs. It focuses on the parts of the body that most often move during sleep. They then send a signal to the device's cloud system. The final stage is body position analysis.

The experiment involved 26 subjects who wore sensors on their chest and abdomen. Scientists managed to collect more than 200-hour data on them. After a week of testing, the design indicated the correct sleeping position 84% of the time.

The device is planned to be used in medical purposes, as well as to combine it with other "smart" devices for sleep control.
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