600 iconic velvet and foil spots - the best souvenir from New York (Photos)

600 iconic velvet and foil spots - the best souvenir from New York (Photos)

16 September 2020, 7:36
A source: © museum-design.ru
The souvenir, on which you can see more than 600 iconic places of New York, is offered by the design studio of Raphael Esquer. The poster is decorated with structures located throughout the city.

For the composition used foil of gold and silver shades. Circles, triangles, squares are drawn on the surface of thick black paper with a velvety structure. Visually, this unusual poster resembles a look at a night metropolis from an airplane window.

This is the second version of the souvenir. It is more advanced. It includes new buildings, famous personalities, institutions, sports teams, superheroes, writers and even one saint.

According to the author of the project, he wanted to create more than just a collectible souvenir. His idea is an art object that would tell about love for New York and each of its visitors. And especially to the night city.

The project was conceived during the training of Raphael. He recalls that he was in an unfamiliar city, which both frightened and reassured him. Therefore, the designer realized his feelings, experiences and thoughts in such an impromptu souvenir.

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru
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