Oven next to the refrigerator: have the experts explained how much space should be between them?

Oven next to the refrigerator: have the experts explained how much space should be between them?

16 September 2020, 8:52
A source: © archidea.com.ua
The oven, which is located near the refrigerator, is convenient and practical. But won't proximity affect their work? After all, the first is intended for heating, and the second for cooling.

Experts believe that the maximum distance between these electrical appliances should be at least 50 cm. Otherwise, the work of these "kitchen helpers" may be questionable.

If you place these two electrical appliances next to each other, they will consume much more energy. They will also be able to break faster than they could by standing at the proper distance from each other.

But modern equipment manufacturers have found a way out. Now they create appliances based on their location in the kitchen. A special insulation technology is used for them, which allows you to place devices of different temperature indicators at a distance of at least 18 cm.

In addition to the convenience of using the oven and refrigerator, an additional advantage of their proximity is space saving. After all, the storage space in the kitchen has not yet been canceled.
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