The master from South Africa embroiders miniature portraits for book covers with bright threads (Photo)

The master from South Africa embroiders miniature portraits for book covers with bright threads (Photo)

17 September 2020, 9:56
A source: ©
Portraits, “painted” with bright threads, are created by a resident of South Africa, Danielle Clough. Her next project is dedicated to a book about human relationships.

The whole process of creating portraits includes several stages. First, Danielle shoots people with interesting facial features on a digital camera. Then, with the help of special graphic editors, she studies the captured frames in more detail - proportions, shades, facial expressions. Then he proceeds to the selection of threads and actually begins to embroider.

It takes her the most time to find the "right" people. Especially those faces that would fit perfectly into a book about Africa. Danielle calls it a magical and somewhat intimate experience.

The book, for which the African woman prepares portraits, tells about the various manifestations of love and relationships between people on the continent. And thanks to the multi-colored threads, the needlewoman draws invisible parallels between the interweaving of stitches and the lives of the heroes of the works.

Layering in this case is also used as a metaphor - the ambiguity of relations.

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