OXO showed a selection of original handmade furniture for books (Photo)

OXO showed a selection of original handmade furniture for books (Photo)

17 September 2020, 10:23
A source: © fastory.ru
Book furniture does not give up its positions. After all, many people want their favorite volumes to “feel” comfortable, harmoniously fitting into the interior. OXO has selected the best options for racks and shelves made by hand.

The selection contains furniture options that are created from different materials. Of course, wood remains predominant. After all, this material is considered the most suitable for books in terms of structure. Nevertheless, sometimes quite unusual things can be used - bricks, concrete, wicker baskets.

The creation of handmade furniture for books should be preceded by an assessment of their quantity and size. In some cases, attention should be paid to the value of the work. After all, not every volume can be stored in the same conditions.

After that, it is worth moving on to the choice of material. For a start, you can remember that there is something in the house that could serve as furniture for books. These can be stepladders, chairs, boxes, even water pipes. A clever combination of different elements can lead to unexpected results. And only then proceed to the creation of racks and shelves.

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru
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